Members of the IOR may now download the latest edition of the SPG series, Risk Control Self-Assessement.


The Institute of Operational Risk (IOR) recognises that there is no one size fits all approach to the management of operational risk. However by drawing on the experience of practising risk professionals it is possible to identify examples of good practice described in this Guidance.

Equally it is hoped that this paper will facilitate a shared understanding of key operational risk concepts amongst risk management professionals, regulators and academics, thus contributing towards the further development of the discipline of operational risk.

This is one of a series of Sound Practice Guidance papers being produced by the IOR with the following objectives:

  • Providing information on the practicalities and know-how necessary in order to implement the techniques that support a robust operational risk management framework;
  • Empowering operational risk professionals to demonstrate the value of operational risk management to senior management in a practical rather than theoretical manner;
  • Capturing the real experience of practising risk professionals, including the challenges involved in developing operational risk management frameworks.

    If you have comments or suggestions on this paper please contact us on

Members may login and download the paper here:  Risk Control Self Assessment (17485 downloads )

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