Chapter 2 from this book entitled – The Advanced Measurement Approach – Finishing It, was written by a member of the IOR.
For more information please click here
Operational Risk 2.0 – Driving value creation in a post-Basel II era
Promoting and Developing the Discipline of Operational Risk Management
Special Book Offer for IOR Members until 31st July 2016
Zaq Mughal, , IOR News, Publications, 0Systemic Operational Risk: Theory, Case Studies and Regulation by Dr. Patrick McConnell Systemic operational risk means operational risks that...
People Risk Management – A Practical Approach to Managing the Human Factors That Could Harm Your Business
Lee Evans, , Publications, 0People Risk Management provides unique depth to a topic that has garnered intense interest in recent years. Based on...
The Money Laundering & Financing of Terrorism Eco-System
Zaq Mughal, , Publications, 0The United Nation’s Vienna & Palermo resolutions, the UN’s convention against corruption, the UN’s Protocol against the illicit Manufacturing...
Process Based Approach to Operational Risk Management
Lee Evans, , Publications, 0A Banker’s Guide to create a Process Based Operating Model and an insight into methods that would reduce transaction...
Bank of the Future – Minimise Technology Risk, Maximise Business Return – Kannan Subramanian R and Dr. Chithra Selvaraj
Sue Bruce, , Publications, 0About the Book Banks are facing several challenges from emerging technology, non-banking companies and changing lifestyle of their customers....
Operational Risk Practices in the Asset Management and Broking Sectors Slides Now Available
Sue Bruce, , Publications, 010 Fundamental Laws of Op Risk (GRIMWADE) – IOR_20_11_19_Final
Management of Risk: Guidance for Practitioners
IOR Admin, , Publications, 0With acknowledgement from two Institute members To find out more information: click here
ITIL and Corporate Risk Alignment Guide
IOR Admin, , Publications, 0Written by two IOR members. For more information: ITIL and Corporate Risk Alignment