Date: Wednesday, 22nd July 2020
Time: 14:00 – 15:00 BST
2018-03-23: Best Practices on Risk Aggregation
IOR Admin, , Webinars, 0As part of risk and control assessment process, organisations collect a lot of information about risks at various levels...
2019-03-21: Regulatory Visits – Training to the Test
IOR Admin, , Webinars, 0Overview Many firms and individuals fail to come over as effectively as they could or should in regulatory visits...
2020-06-29: Risk governance oversight: good practices and challenges
Barry Disley, , Webinars, 0Date: Monday, June 29, 2020 Link:
2018-06-26: Live Global Poll on 20 RCSA Topics for Operational Risks
IOR Admin, , Webinars, 0RCSA (Risk and Control Self Assessment) is one of the most critical risk management activities for understanding and prioritising...
2017-09-15: Good and Bad Practices for Risk and Control Monitoring
IOR Admin, , Webinars, 0Monitoring of risks and controls is a critical aspect of any operational risk management initiative. Effectively monitoring the appropriate...
2018-12-06: Benefits & Methods For Quantifying Operational Risk
IOR Admin, , Webinars, 0Overview Operational risks are typically assessed using qualitative scales such as High, Medium and Low. While the use of...
2018-10-12: Identifying the Key Levers of Understanding and Shaping Culture and Behavioural Risk
IOR Admin, , Webinars, 0The risk culture of an organisation is an integral part of the organisation’s overall culture. It takes many years...
2018-04-27: Human and Cultural Factors of Risk Management
IOR Admin, , Webinars, 0At the end of the day, humans manage risks. Involvement of humans into any process brings various advantages and...